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Tuesday, December 16, 2014

You Must Be Anxious About How Exactly You Would Be Able To Design An Artwork Or Cartoon By Yourself.

Introducing you to the CORELDRAW WORKSPACE is very important. For readers who are new to CORELDRAW Environment. The projects you create in CorelDraw are called Drawings. In this post, you will use the tools provided by CorelDraw to create a simple drawing. You will learn to use the following tools in designing your own cartoon graphics. 1. Tool bar 2. Tool box 3. Property bar 4. Fly-outs 5. Docker windows and palettes 6. Mouse commands 7. Help You will also learn how to create a workspace with customized toolbars. The toolbar displays by default and contains buttons that are short-cuts to many of the menu commands. In the following procedures, you will use the toolbar to start a new drawing. 1. On the toolbar, click the NEW button to start a new drawing. By default, this creates a drawing page with a width of 8.5 inches and a height of 11 inches. 2. From the ZOOM LEVELS list box, choose to height. This fits the height of the drawing page inside the drawing window. By the left side of the CorelDraw environment is the TOOL BOX, the free hand tools serves a major role in the cartoon designing. You can click on the dark arrow of the freehand tool to use other fly-out tools which aids making wire frame more realistic, POLYLINE TOOL is a good example. which is used as an alternative to free hand tool. There are still other tools that does the same functions with the two mentioned tools but I recommend this two as the best for wire framing. When using POLYLINE tools make sure the starting edge always meet your end point that makes the wire frame fillable. When the Polyline mapping isn't touching the edge, it will affect it from filling a solid or transparent color in it. A polyline mapping shouldn't end like this. USING MY BEST ACTRESS PICTURE AS AN EXAMPLE MERCY AIGBE, that is the name of this pretty popular Nolly wood actress, am sure you must have seen her on your Nolly wood home video. This is a clean picture of MERCY AIGBE we intend to work on, huh? Let's assume MERCY as a client who sent you her image for Graphics Cartoon edition, she wanted you to cartoonize her so that she can use it for some adverts or soap opera. Staring at the image, cartoon graphics might look much difficult and can therefore convey fear into your mind. HOW CAN I DRAW THIS?¡® Calm down, Graphics is made much easier here even if you are not an artist. Do u remember that graphics step is just basically in 3 steps? Let¡®s approach this image using the Wire frame, you have to learn to be patient and steady not to make mistakes when tracing the images. Tracing of images with the wire frame might take much of your time and it includes the effect itself. To capture the main effect on the picture, you can dim your eye by closing one eye to look at the image, the dark, well-lit and shinning part of the image would rather look clear to you then you sketch with using the wire frame. Thus, you can make use of the poly-line tool or free hand tool to make a wire frame. But, I recommend poly line tool for easy capture of the image shows and effects. After sketching the image. NOTE: When you are drawing a wire frame of any shape, learn to make all fill able or solid-content. That is, make all wire frames drawn possible to fill-in color using a color palette by the right hand side. Not just sketches, ok?

1 on: "You Must Be Anxious About How Exactly You Would Be Able To Design An Artwork Or Cartoon By Yourself."
  1. This wire frame process is the initial step of cartooned graphics, and then we proceed on texture.
    When blending and uniforming colors if an image, we must be very careful and must learn to differentiate colors carefully and instinctively. MERCY color was derived from orange but a very light one ranging from the following set of colors, please, if your screen graphics card is not clear enough it might be very difficult for you to select the right color.
    These are range of colors from the color palette, we select the one that can best fill in as skin color of the face. I.e. the main color of the person as appeared in the image. Locate this icon at the bottom right side, beneath the color palette.
    Double-click on the orange color to bring out a dialogue box appearing the old and new color selected. Carefully look at the picture to be sure of choosing the precise color of the image.
    Then, you drag down the simple box in the color ranges to choose the perfect color equivalent to the color of the real image has shown above.
    Applying smooth effect to the image plays a very big role in capturing the viewer‘s impression. Therefore, you must be very careful with effects. The basic effect used is the INTERACTIVE TRANSPARENCY TOOL
    and its fly-out tool named INTERACTIVE DROP SHADOW TOOL
    Don't get frustrated with the tools. We are going to be making use of these tools as we progress in our cartoonize steps. These are the best tools that can be used for a perfect graphics cartoon designing.
    Follow these steps realistically shown below; it would help you in applying effects on your own without any physical lectures. MERCY‘s eye brow is obviously black but we applied our solid as white. ARE WE
    DOING THE RIGHT THING? Yes, we are. This is a secret many graphics designing artist don‘t know.
    1. Click on the Interactive Transparency tool fly-out to choose the Interactive transparency drop shadow tool and drag on mercy Aigbe‘s eye brow.
    2. Click on Arrange, move to Break Drop Shadow Group apart, Click
    out of the image and click on the white eye pencil and press
    DELETE on your keyboard.
    After pressing the delete, the drop shadow effect remains and
    transparency is left out. The image remains like this.
    You will realized that the effect of the drop shadow is too thick on the color, so we have to reduce the intensity by applying a uniform effect on the eye brow so as to make the image color background reflect as you would expect.
    1. Click on Interactive transparency tool on the Tool Bar
    2. Click on the eye pencil, the sub-menu bar would automatically change to bring out NONE in the interactive fill.
    3. Click on the arrow, where None displays and select Uniform.
    4. Move the radar from the range of 0 – 100. But, always take a look at your eye pencil if the transparency is ok.
    If your eye brow is viewed this way, it can still be considered fit into the image. The same effect applies to all other wire-frame in the whole content of the image.
    All other wire frame goes the same way with the eye bow. But the transparency would diverge from each other. Your discretion is highly advised for apprising lively expression into the dead wire-frame takes much time but you have to be very persistent by selecting them one after the other.
    The Circled black icon is where below is where you can change your drop shadow transparency color. Just like the case of the make-up at the topmost part of her eye.
    Take your time to properly delete the fill and learn to transparent the drop shadow effectively using the Interactive Transparency Tool as illustrated earlier. Then, you can have a smooth cartooned image. Your first trial might not look much like this, but you have to keep trying until you finally ascertain something of this nature.
    Remember, applying textures and effect might take much of your time as you expected but exercising patience would help you a lot in designing better.
