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Saturday, January 3, 2015


SOLUTION: HOW TO STOP FACEBOOK FROM FLAGGING YOUR ACCOUNT This is my first post this year and about facebook advertising since my ads account was flagged last year 2014 for unusual activities which I am guilty of. So I decided to look into what could be the problem and what the lasting solution will be as they keep flagging every new account and existing account I have on Facebook from promoting ads. Facebook is very strict when it comes to banning and they are also good at tracking those they¡¯ve disabled or flagged from running ads on their platform again, but what are the major reasons that can make Facebook to take you out of their advertising system. COMMONS REASONS WHY FACEBOOK FLAG ADS ACCOUNTS ACCOUNT NAME DIFFERENT FROM BILLING NAME:I was banned the first time on Facebook because my name was just single Donvin while the Credit card used to pay on my account is Francis Vincent. It looks as if I stole the card to use for payment on Facebook so they kick me out for unusual activities. If you are using PayPal, note that while filling the PayPal form, you have a billing name and address on it, if this is different from the name you are using on Facebook, you will be flagged soon. So make sure your name is the same as the billing name. What looks like this is your date of birth, and location. Use real information when opening your facebook account and if you already have one, just edit it to tally with the information on your Billing account. POLICY VIOLATION:Facebook Advertising has their Advertising Guidelines and Policies and if any of your ads is against this, you ads account will be flagged. Common ads that are against the Facebook policies are ads with naked images or nude photos, too many text in image (TEXT INSIDE IMAGE SHALL NOT BE MODE THAN 20%), affiliate marketing, Porn website, social or dating site, promotion of pharmaceutical products and many more. Just take your time to read the policies and guidelines. How to Pass Through The Facebook Flagged Problems After Being Disabled Many Times Perhaps Facebook had banned or flagged your account before and once you create a new account with different page and different site, different credit and or payment method, yet you still receive their hammer with a red line message saying ¡°Your Facebook Ads account has been flagged¡± then you submitted appeal and luckily you receive a reply with a conclusion saying ¡°Our decision is final¡±, here is what you need to do to start running your ads on Facebook without problem anymore. Facebook keep banning you because they have the ability to track your movement online even when you are not on Facebook, they food you everywhere you go, as you enter Google, Facebook is with you, as you enter, Facebook is reading with you, as you move from places to places on your browser, you are monitored through privacy tracking and that is why you can use conversion tracking in your ads manager to target those who visited your site as far as 240 days back and serve your ads to them. (I bet you dont know that feature exist in Facebook Ads, don¡¯t worry I will write about it soon). So follow the steps to privatize yourself from Facebook. It is no crime to have some privacy you know. Step 1: Go to your bank and request for new Mastercard or go to UBA and get an Africard prepaid instant card. Step 2: Open your Firefox and hide your privacy by going to Tools/Options > Privacy > Do Not Allow Site To Track My Privacy. Also Click on the history and choose ¡°Never Remember History¡± Step 3: Create a new Facebook account with the name attached to your credit card. Step 3: Create a new Facebook page similar to your old page so you can merge them when it grows to an extent. Step 4: Create a new blog on blogspot or WordPress as doorway (because when Facebook flag you, they flag everything around you, your link, your page, your credit card, your IP, and they will start tracking you) to post link and drive traffic to it using Fb ads technique as taught in Facebook ads Bomb and use the site to drive traffic to your main blog (hope you understand?). Do not add the old and flagged account as manager on the page, do not login the flagged account on the browser, do not use your flagged card to pen PayPal and try to use PayPal as your payment method and do not repeat the reason why you were banned the first time. I hope this tutorial help you as the step is helping me now. Share this if it is helpful to your friends on using the button below. Don¡¯t miss my updates, subscribe using the box below if you are on mobile or by the sidebar on PC. See you at the top.