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Tuesday, December 16, 2014


CARTOON GRAPHICS: HOW TO ANIMATE AN IMAGE USING PHOTOSHOP: An image animation in Photoshop CS6 or lower versions takes patience and professionalism. But, this post contains logical procedures with...

  1. Step 13: Now we got our perfect spot for the eye-lid. we need to make it realistic with some lightening. This is one of the most important part of this tutorial. You must properly note how this lightening effect is been applied. Lightening effects are been applied based on designers styles.
    To create a lightening, follow below procedures:
    (a) Create a new layer.
    (b) double click on the foreground color. (the color below the toolbox)
    (c) Pick a white color preferrably
    (d) Click on OK
    (e) Select a brush.
    (f) Change Opacity to 12%
    (g) Right click on the image, reduce size of the brush to 30px or more
    (h) Change thickness to 0%
    Then, gently apply lightenings.
    We are perfectly done with the right eye. Repeat step 8 - 14 for the left eye. When you are done. you should have something similar to this below illustration. Then we move to animation.
    Step 15: Merge all layers contributing to closeness of the eye except the original image. We don't want a situation whereby we will be disturbed with the layers to work on when animating. Select all layers except the original image. To do this, click on the top layer, press down the Shift key and click on all other layers except the original image layer. Then, Press Ctrl + E to merge the layers together.
    Step 16: Animation is the fianl step of this tutorial. To activate animation, If you are using CS6 for this tutorial double-click on the timeline tab to view the window. For CS5 users and lower versions. To activate animation, goto Windows >> Animation.
    Step 17:
    You should be able to identify the differences between a layer and a frame set when you are aiming for an animation. The Timeline has an opt for time delay and frames. The frames and the layers have correlations. The first frame should visualise the original image. Then, you duplicate the frame with the icon below the timeline window as shown in the below illustration. Uneye the original image in the second frame and visualise the eye-closed layer. A proper well arranged frame set should appear below:
    The Original image frame should be delayed for 5sec and the eye-closed layer is to be delayed for 2sec.
    Step 18: Animations are mostly saved in GIF format. To save an animation on Photoshop CS6 and lower version. Go to File >> Save for web and devices. >> Save
